Equity Organizational Audit (EOA) FAQs

Which browser should I use?

Please use Chrome as your browser – do not use Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge. 

Who do I contact if I have any technical difficulties, questions or comments about the audit?

If you have any trouble or need to submit a question or comment to us, please send us a message here. We look forward to hearing from you. 

Who is the Audit Owner(s) & what are their responsibilities?

The Audit Owner(s) are responsible for identifying the participants who would be best suited to answer each of the sections, sharing the link with the participants identified, monitoring the progress of the audit, and clicking the ‘SUBMIT’ button at the end of the audit.

As an Audit Owner, how do I share a section with a participant?

Next to the name of each section is a hyperlink symbol, click the hyperlink symbol associated with the section you want to share and email this section to the participant. 

As an Audit Owner, how do I submit the audit?

Click the ‘SUBMIT’ button which will appear at the end of the audit at the end of the last section. 

Who are the Participants & what are their responsibilities?

The Participants have been identified as the internal subject matter experts by the Audit Owner(s) and are responsible for answering the sections assigned to them.

As a Participant, which section should I complete?

Each participant is assigned to their section(s) by the Audit Owner(s) and is ONLY required to complete the section(s) they are assigned to. You will receive a link from the Audit Owner(s) that will direct you to the section you have selected to complete. When in the section, the name of the section will be highlighted in the color black. 

As a Participant, how do I know which section I am currently in?

The section you are currently in will be highlighted in black, and visible at the top of the audit. 

As a Participant , when I complete my section(s) how do I exit the audit?

After you complete your assigned sections of the audit, you may click the ‘SAVE & EXIT’ button which will appear as an option at the end of a section. If you click the ‘EXIT’ option in the right corner of the audit, your answers may not save. Unless you are the Audit Owner(s), DO NOT click the ‘SUBMIT’ button which will appear at the very end of the audit. 

As a Participant, if I have not completed a section and would like to exit and return later, how do I exit the audit?

After you complete your assigned sections of the audit, you may click the ‘SAVE & EXIT’ button which will appear as an option at the end of a section. If you click the ‘EXIT’ option in the right corner of the audit, your answers may not save. Unless you are the Audit Owner(s), DO NOT click the ‘SUBMIT’ button which will appear at the very end of the audit. 

As a Participant, how do I know when a section has been completed?

When a section is completed the greyed-out check mark on the left of the section name will be highlighted in green.

As a Participant, if I answer a question and another participant answers the same question whose answer will save?

The last participant to answer the question and select the ‘SAVE & EXIT’ button at the end of the section will have their answer saved. 

Can multiple participants take the assessment at the same time?

Multiple participants can take the assessment at the same time IF they are working in separate sections. Their answers will be saved successfully if the participant selects the ‘SAVE & EXIT’ button when they are done with their section. If multiple participants are working in the same section at the same time, the system will ONLY save answers for the last participant that selects the ‘SAVE & EXIT’ button Please do not access sections that are not assigned to you to prevent inadvertent overwriting of answers. 

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